Ptarmigan podcasts contain audio recordings of talks, discussions, workshops and other events that have taken place at Ptarmigan. While we are initially posting our Avatud Toimingud/Opening Operations events, we hope to unearth other recordings from the archives.
Artist-in-residence Nikki Kane screened the film 'Future My Love' (directed by Maja Borg, 2012) and then led a discussion after the film about the ideas in the film.
Though it is of course more helpful to have seen the film, the topics of progress, change, fear and human understanding are hopefully universal and thus a worthwhile listen anyway!
This part 2 of the Avatud Toimingud: Triinu Aron event, the discussion following Triinu's talk, which is a general exploration of issues regarding economics, organisation and culture production (with forays into more general approaches to art and life). Recorded 21 May 2014.
The first Ptarmigan podcast begins with the presentation by Triinu Aron at Ptarmigan's Avatud Toimingud event on 21 May 2014. Triinu, from the Sõltumatu Tantsu Ühendus organisation, discusses their organisation, the Okasroosikese Loss project space and residency, and how they manage the organisation. (We apologise for the noisy recording and for when Triinu references the websites and piecharts she was projecting as that's impossible to convey via audio form). The podcast begins with a short introduction by John W. Fail, and part 2 contains the open discussion that followed her talk.