Ptarmigan operated in Tallinn from 2011-2014. We no longer maintain any presence in Tallinn, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced at Ptarmigan during these years.
How do you experience space? Kaiku-gallery at the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts will become a process-space during the final weeks of January. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to modify and change the space according to their own tastes. There will be materials available at the gallery but visitors can also bring their own materials. The process does not have a defined objective, neither does the outcome need to be called a work of art. The aim is to investigate organic spontaneous ways of expression and different ways to approach space. Signification, meaning and sense will be constructed as the space transforms. This will be achieved through presence in the space, via participation and as a result of how we think about the space.
The space and the process is open for all visitors. Over a period of ten days the process of the space will be documented with a time-lapse-video, which will be viewable as a collage of the process at Kaiku-gallery during 28.-29.1.2012.
Workshops as part of Space is the Place will be organized for students of the Fine Art Academy in the process-exhibition. A series of public lectures will be held in the auditorium that will, among other themes, address various aspects in connection to spatial experience.
Opening on Wednesday 18.1., 5-7 pm.
Performing: Tomplex feat Senqi + Mikke + VJ Random Doctors.
Closing event on Friday 27.1., 5–7 pm.
Performing: DJ Sternfeld feat. Senqi & Samuli Peltoniemi + Ellen Jeffrey.
Organizers: Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Ptarmigan, XL Art Space