Ptarmigan is now closed.

Ptarmigan operated in Tallinn from 2011-2014. We no longer maintain any presence in Tallinn, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced at Ptarmigan during these years.


Noah's Archive --Filmverkstaden
10 kesäkuu 2012 00:00 klo 9:00-12:00 & 13:00-17:00
part of project: Kontaining

Climate change is rarely out of the news nowadays, and almost everyone seems to have an opinion about it. The scientific evidence for ongoing anthropogenic climate change is overwhelming, and impacts of changes over recent decades are already apparent in the Nordic region, with reduced sea ice, lengthening growing seasons and altered river flows. Unfortunately decisions to deal with these climate changes seem to be fuelled by economics.

What is most beneficial for the economy? It is clear that effective adaptation will be essential for coping with inevitable climate change. But are societies sufficiently aware of and prepared for these accelerating and unprecedented changes? 

In Noah’s archive we reflect on the following questions. Which animals are worth saving for future generations? Which animals will be relocated to a new habitat where they have a chance to survive the climatic changes? Our project puts the initiative into the hands of the public. Not economy, but our own personal choices are reflected in the archive. Furthermore, it will question our relationship with our environment and it will show, which animals we think are worth saving for future generations. We will be actively collecting material to be included in an expanding archive of pictures and information.