Ptarmigan operated in Tallinn from 2011-2014. We no longer maintain any presence in Tallinn, but this website will continue to serve as an archive of the activities produced at Ptarmigan during these years.
This is an open call for a joint residency between MoKS (Mooste) and Ptarmigan (Tallinn). The Axis of Praxis residency programme will offer the possibility to research and develop work in and between two distinctly different contexts within Estonia. MoKS is located in a village in rural south Estonia and Ptarmigan in the capital city of Tallinn. MoKS is an organisation run by artists and researchers, with experience in organising a diverse program of residencies, art symposia, projects, workshops and more. Ptarmigan is an event-driven organisation that focuses on trans-disciplinary projects, building participatory culture and social practices. Within the Axis of Praxis residency there is a possibility to organise joint events between the two centres.
Although both cultural centres operate in contrasting environments, we share an interest in exploring and engaging with the places and communities that surround us. Axis of Praxis is a residency opportunity aimed at utilising these similarities and distinctions, as well as helping to build connections between the two organisations. Preference is given to proposals of a social nature and/or including open-form collaborations. We are also looking for creative methods and forms of learning as a model for culture building.
Who we are looking for
Artists, organisers, curators and researchers of all artistic and creative disciplines. While our residency program is orientated towards contextual work with environmental or socially- engaged practices, we also offer a comfortable concentrated atmosphere suitable for focused work, writing or research.
This is a two month split residency: one month in MoKS, one month in Ptarmigan. The order does not matter. The residency times available are from August - December 2013.
Number of residencies offered: 3
Who is eligible
These residencies are being offered for residents of Latvia, Lithuania, Iceland, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Aland, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway. The residency is supported by the Kulturkontakt Nord Nordic-Baltic mobility programme.
What we offer
cover of travel costs to and from your home, and between Tallinn and Mooste
a monthly stipend of 700 € (1400€ total). (To receive stipend and travel costs the artist must stay in the residency a minimum 85% of agreed time)
working and living space
access to MoKS and Ptarmigan facilities and assistance for realisation of project.
Description of residency facilities
How to apply
Applications must be submitted electronically via our online proposal form.
The deadline for applications is 15 June 2013.
From 10-16 August this summer, Ptarmigan presents Done Kino, a collaboration between Kino Kabaret and our own Done Lab project. Done Kino is 99 hours of collaborative film/video production using previously existing, unfinished footage. There's space for twenty participants in the workshop, who will work in small groups to create short films in a fast-paced, camp-like environment. Beyond the workshop we have several public events, including the postponed Unfinished Screening #4 and screenings of the work in progress at 33-hour intervals.
If you are interested in participating in Done Lab, fill out our quick registration form now and we'll get in touch for more information. It's possible to participate in one, two or all three of the sessions and we're looking for a diverse group of moving image enthusiasts to work together.
This week, our Helsinki side is producing the Kontaining13:Traces event, taking place in a shipping container located in the Lasipalatsinaukio area of Helsinki City Centre. This year, each Ptarmigan Helsinki director is curating a section of the programme to follow their own artistic practice. The whole week is busy with different content, including a day hosted by the Association of Transcultural Artists in Finland, the collaborative text/narrative project 'collaborative fictions in realtime', a performance by Rank Ensemble, a workshop in language and disobedience, a live sound electronics jam, and the interdisicplinary improvisational performance group the Tuesday Group. All of this information can be found on the Helsinki side of our website.
On top of all this, we have four other activities in Tallinn - the first meeting of our listening group/seminar on the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (Monday); the return of Fake It Till You Make It (Tuesday); the first Tallinn-based Repair Cafe (a project of Trashlab via Pixelversity/Pixelache, Saturday afternoon); and our inaugural session of Strange Meetings Club (Saturday night/Sunday morning).
We'll be programming some new activities in Tallinn soon, such as Undo Lab (the parallel/inverse of Done Lab) and some text/language/writing projects. And as a reminder, both of our open calls for the residencies in Tallinn are still open - our two-month Tallinn residencies and the Axis of Praxis shared residency with MoKS.
Unfinished Screenings 4 (Open Screen) is moved from 27 May to 9 August. It also means that the deadline for submitting a raw video footage is postponed until 1 August 2013.
Reason? Open Screen makes the biggest sense as an introductory event of Done Kino which will be happening at Ptarmigan between 10 and 16 August .
Done Kino is a sort of timed filmmaking lab based on Kino Kabaret concept where directors, actors, musicians and other cinematic artisans gather for several days sessions and create short films. Specifically in the case of Done Kino its participants have to treat as an inherent part of their film equipment already existing raw film material, sound tracks, scenarios etc. which should all mix, reshape, reinterpret among participating Kinoits.
More information will come soon. Nevertheless it already seems that you have a bit more time to make things done even in a more splendid way than ever before.
Ptarmigan is the official partner of Pixelache Helsinki and will be co-organising the Tallinn side of the festival. In Estonia. This year Pixelache is organised as a dual-city festival (16-19.5.2013) in Helsinki-Tallinn around the overarching theme of ‘Facing North – Facing South'., 'Camp Pixelache’will occur on 17-19 May 2013.
Camp Pixelache is an unconference that will occur on Naissaar (formerly Nargen, Nargö), an island located near Tallinn, 10 km away from the Estonian coast. Camp Pixelache is an unconference; except for the keynote lecture planned in advance, the agenda will be created by the attendees at the beginning of the event. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a given topic can claim a time and a space. Our curated themes for the Festival are emerging as Creative Development (North-South, Tallinn-Helsinki & other relations), Virtuality, Resonance, Anti-disciplinarity, Waste, Techno-ecologies, and Control. Feel free to be inspired by these or to introduce other topics into the Camp!
Pixelache will be able to offer some support to cover boat and road trips from: Sweden, Northern/Central Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus & North-West Russia. If you are interested, please contact office [-at-]
More information about the festival can be found on the Pixelache website. If you would like to participate in Camp Pixelache 2013, plesae contact Ptarmigan.
Things have slowed down a bit here in Tallinn as Miga's residency came to an end and we have several successful events under the (Il)legal Aesthetics banner. We're restructuring now with an aim to support more ongoing projects and creative community uses of our space. We've slightly redesigned our website to reflect more of the history of Ptarmigan while we currently are low on active events.
If you have some ideas for what you'd like to see happen at Ptarmigan, feel free to contact us, or even better, start a discussion on our Facebook page.
19.–21. lokakuuta Tallinnassa järjestetään kokeellisen performanssitaiteen festivaali Dimanche Rouge, johon osallistuu myös useita suomalaistaiteilijoita. Kahdettakymmenettä kertaa järjestettävällä festivaalill nähdään lähes sata taiteilijaa 26 maasta. Kolmepäiväinen tapahtuma alkaa Pariisista ja saa päätöksensä Tallinnassa. Ohjelmistoon kuuluu performanssien lisäksi mm. tanssi-, multimedia-, katu-, ääni- ja sanataidetta sekä installaatioesityksiä. Tapahtuma on ilmainen.
Dimanche Rouge on yksi suurimmista kuukausittaisten performanssifestivaalien järjestäjistä Euroopassa. Yhdistys perustettiin helmikuussa 2011, jonka jälkeen sen järjestämiin tapahtumiin on ottanut osaa yli 500 taiteilijaa lähes 60 maasta.
Festivaali starttaa perjantaina Pariisista noin 25 taiteilijan voimin yhteistyössä Les Uns Chez Les Autres -lähiöfestivaalin kanssa. Ohjelmaan kuuluu samanaikaisesti tapahtuvat performanssit Tallinnan Sokos Hotel Virussa.
Lauantaina festivaali siirtyy Pariisista Tallinnan Kulttuuritehdas Polymeriin, jossa festivaali jakautuu kahteen samaan aikaan esitettävään ohjelmistoon. Päivän aikana performansseja ja installaatioita nähdään noin 70 taiteilijalta 24 eri maasta. Tapahtuma alkaa iltapäivällä ilmaisilla työpajoilla ja päättyy aamuyöstä DJ/VJ -esitykseen. Festivaali saa päätöksensä sunnuntai-iltapäivällä Kumun taidemuseossa, joka on yksi Baltian suurimmista museoista. Neuvostoliittolaisesta lelutehtaasta kulttuuritehtaaksi muuttunut Polymer on taas vuodesta 2003 lähtien toiminut yhtenä vaihtoehtokulttuurin ylläpitäjistä Virossa.
Dimanche Rouge organisoi tällä hetkellä projekteja, joiden tarkoituksena on kestävän taiteellisen ja kulttuurisen vaihdon luominen kansainvälisesti. Esimerkiksi vuonna 2012 Pariisin kuukausittaisten tapahtumien lisäksi yhdistys on järjestänyt tapahtumia niin Espanjan Barcelonassa kuin Ranskan Toulousessa. Marraskuussa festivaalia tullaan juhlimaan Pariisin ohella Australian Sydneyssa, Melbournessa ja Brisbanessa yhteistyössä mm. suomalaisen Ptarmiganin kanssa.
Suomalaiset taiteilijat / kollektiivit:
Andy Best, Merja Puustinen, Ulla Koivisto, Leila Kourika (improvised digital sound/dance, UK/Finland)
Annukka Majamäki (performance art, Finland)
Davide Panizza aka P o P _ X and the Nasty Power Bitch (performance art/electronic music/cabaret, Italy/Finland)
Liisa Pentti +Co (dance/performance, Finland)
Meri (Pauliina) Nikula (performance movement and voice based, Finland)
Taika Ilola (60-120’, public performance art/street art, Finland)
Terho Sire Sulkala aka Triste Sire (performance art, Finland)
Ptarmigan seeks creative projects from the Nordic and Baltic regions for two-month residencies in Tallinn, Estonia. These residencies are supported by the Kulturkontakt Nord Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme.
Ptarmigan is a transdisciplinary cultural platform operating in both Tallinn, Estonia and Helsinki, Finland. For three years, Ptarmigan has organised events, residencies, workshops, performances and other projects that span across various spheres of art, music, performance, humanities, and other more nebulous fields. Our focus is on event-driven cultural production that’s simultaneously inclusive and unusual.
Who is eligible
Any legal resident of the Nordic or Baltic countries, excluding Estonia. This means: Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Faroe Islands, the Åland Islands, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania.
What we are looking for
Your residency is a project; your proposal should clearly describe what you hope to do with two months in Tallinn. We look to produce projects that excite us and occupy unique cultural space. We like to see things that are active and lively, and fit in well with what we do. At Ptarmigan, the joy is in collaboration, being together, and expanding perspectives. We’re inclined towards ideas that offer some sort of educational component, and a chance for the public to be involved, while being experimental in nature. Participation and engagement with our existing projects is also a bonus - many of our regular projects benefit from guests, and there are also opportunities to work in our partner spaces, such as Tiib in Tallinn and the Score Store Kiosk in Helsinki.
You can always take a look at our past events, projects and residencies on our websites to get a sense of what we are interested in. In general, if your project is ‘spend two months painting/sculpting/video editing/whatever to create a gallery exhibition’, we aren’t likely to select you. If you’re looking to create interactive, psychogeographic maps of Tallinn’s secrets/animals/vertical objects/whatever through a series of workshops, tours, and other interventions -- now we’re listening.
What you get
If chosen, your travel to and from Tallinn will be paid for (up to €400). You will be accommodated in a small apartment within a short walking distance of the Ptarmigan project space which will be fully paid for. In addition to this you will receive a stipend of 1400€ for your two months stay, pending requirements (see below). Any living costs (food, materials, etc.) will come from this stipend. In Ptarmigan, you will be given a 21m2 room to use as a studio, if desired. (There are some limitations in what you can do with this studio, primarily sound/volume-related, but otherwise it’s yours). Ptarmigan additionally operates a small, experimental visual art space called Tiib - this space is available to use as a gallery/exhibition space if desired. You will be asked to visit Helsinki at least once to present, perform, or otherwise engage with our Finnish side - ferry travel and accommodation will be covered for this trip.
Ptarmigan is an artist-run space that is all-volunteer, and our organisers will do their best to help with your project. This includes local promotion and marketing, general local know-how (including practical information and cultural networking), and anything else we can do.
Other requirements
If you are not a legal, tax-paying resident of one of the aforementioned countries, then you are not eligible for this residency, which is funded by KK Nord only for mobility between Nordic and Baltic countries. If you have a good idea for Ptarmigan anyway but are not a resident of these countries, please don’t hesitate to propose anyway -- but understand that we do not have any financial support for residencies beyond the Nordic/Baltic programme.
The residency, as required by KK Nord, is for a minimum of two months. We are generally budgeted for exactly that time, though a few extra days over is okay. If you have an idea for a longer project then please describe it in your proposal.
The stipend is broken into two monthly payments of 700€ each. This is intended to cover all living costs and materials. To receive this stipend, you must spend 85% of your stay in Tallinn (though your visit to Helsinki will not count against this).
Ptarmigan is a very social, public-focused space, and if your project does not directly engage with the public, then we ask that you will open your working space up for a few hours per week to anyone who might be interested in meeting you and seeing what you are working on. This is negotiable and primarily symbolic anyway.
How to apply, deadlines, and other administrivia
To apply for Ptarmigan’s Nordic/Baltic residency programme, please use our general-purpose proposal form, and choose “Tallinn residencies” as the “existing project”. Our application form is at and we prefer that you apply in English.
We will be selecting three residencies in 2012, with a minimum duration of two-months each. Please specify clearly on the proposal form when you would be most interested in coming, ex. “July-August”, “November-December”, etc.
The deadline for this year’s residency applications is 1 June. We will inform all applicants no later than 15 June.